Gotanda, Tokyo
Olympus Pen Ft
Photographer: Lui Araki
Gotanda, Tokyo
Rollei 35
In a recent article for Photo and Culture Tokyo I went under-cover, so to speak- NERD ALERT: I really enjoy when photographers and designers put in effort to include images which they later cover with dust jackets. This rewards a viewer’s interaction with the book as an object. Full article here:
Photobook Looking: Under the Covers
Ueno Park, Tokyo
Leica M3 with Nikkor H.C. 5cm F2 lens
Gotanda, Tokyo
Olympus Pen
Yanaka, Tokyo
Leica Ⅲg + Summicron 50mm F2 with Leitz-Wetzlar shutter release, Voigtlander double-shoe adapter, 50mm external finder and VC Meter II
My latest exhibition report for the Japanese site Photo and Culture Tokyo:
My latest exhibition report for the Japanese site Photo and Culture Tokyo:
Vol.34 Bharat Sikka / バハラ・シッカ「SOUVENIR SHOP」
Sikka’s pictures- crisp landscapes, details of backstreets, and even what I think is a factory-fresh love doll(?)- have a directness and elegance which denies that usual sort of othering-preciousness so much popular non-Japanese, Japan Photography mistakes for meaning. While they are often strikingly beautiful photographs, his images never attempt to explain or aestheticize the country.
The book, published by Super Labo, is one of my favorites of 2024.
The exhibition is held at Super Labo Store Tokyo in Jimbocho.
Sixteen years of Tokyo Camera Style!
Sixteen years of Tokyo Camera Style!
August 17th is the anniversary of this account.a lot has changed- both here and in the real world- since I posted that first camera (A Leica M7) back in 2008.
I hope that you’ve been inspired, encouraged, or at least entertained by what I’ve been able to share with you over the years.
Thank you, always.
And stay tuned- there’s a lot more to come.
A look at GLIMPSE, a book of Joel Meyerowitz’s photos taken from moving cars in the 1960s. (Published by Super Labo, 2014)
Full article here:
Joel Meyerowitz / ジョエル・マイヤーウィッツ『GLIMPSE』
Mono Graphy Camera and Art, Tokyo
Mono Graphy Camera and Art, Tokyo
Konica Big Mini BM-301
Mono Graphy Camera and Art, Tokyo
Mono Graphy Camera and Art, Tokyo
Primoflex TLR